Friday, December 1, 2006

A day without talking

I love to talk!

Today is a interesting day in my life. I had to keep my mouth shut between 9 to 6 (during regular office hours). Reason: one colleague of mine had auctioned my speaking ability for a day in a funny event - to improve our financial contributions to the society. So, I had to agree. And everyone tried their best to break my self-discipline and make me talk (to have fun). I couldn't believe that I received phone calls from my friends in US to test me. And one friend distributed my number to his other friends in the city - so that they can call me. Believe me, it is not easy to keep shut. I got tired of not talking at the end of the day. I started my work by having the hand-kerchief tied around my mouth - that reminded me that I shouldn't be talking today. As the day progressed, I got used to playing dumb-c and didn't require the hanky.

Now that it is already 6 PM, I'm feeling happy and relaxed that I can talk. So where are the people....


My Thoughts said...

Hey...welcome!!!I've always wanted to see you blog and now that you are here, it feels great!! And that day of yours is very interesting, I have a few colleagues of mine, who need an opposite kind of session.

Lakshmi said...

Hi Vatsan...!! Really its very nice to see your blog... Its great idea..may be I too should try this out on some of my colleagues...:)

Unknown said...

Vats, that was a nice read, da!

- deepu.